Sunday, January 10, 2010

A New Year _ in Mexico and What we did for Christmas???

     I was getting so homesick the week before Christmas that Don bought us tickets to fly home, he said, " it is probably better to take her home that look for a new woman".  So we flew out of Cabo on December 24th at 4:27pm and arrived in Seattle at 8pm in the same evening. At 11pm we caught the airporter shuttle to Yakima and walked in to our condo at 2:40am on Christmas morning.

    Don busied himself with turning on all the things we had turned off and when he got to the main bathroom and tried to turn the water on in the toilet the knob flew off and cold water began blasting all over our bathroom and Don, it was so cold that he was freezing and the force of the water was so hard that he could not get the knob back after getting the handle to turn off the water from our neighboring condo owner and calling the fire department we mopped up and fell into bed around 5am, slept for 2 hours or less and then the fun really began.

     I was dropped off and Laura's (and family) home and rang their door bell (lights were on) and Jack my oldest grandchild opened the door are was very surprised, everyone was in shock. After the big surprise Don left for Newport, Oregon where he surprised his kids royally...and it was lots of fun to be able to do that. The day after Christmas two of my sons and their families came for game day and let the cousins play.  They also were very surprised to see Nana had come home for Christmas.  Mike couldn't make it because he was heading south for the Rose Bowl Game in Pasadena.  (still sad about our loss)

    Don returned on Monday and we did some maintenance in our condo and got ready for New Years Eve.  We went dancing at the American Legion (we have to get some new places to dance in Yak) but alas we were so used to going to bed at Cruisers midnight which is 9:30pm that we could not even make it and went home to bed.   I guess we are OLD. We had most of our evening meals with Laura's family and the food was delicious. Don managed to eat at Bert's Pub his favorite and Laura and I took in a movie "It Complicated", and I would wait to see it when it comes out on video....just okay. Anyway then it was pretty much time to fly back to Mexico. Which we did on January 8th, Elvis's 75th Birthday.

   Now we are here on the boat, Christmas was wonderful, all the grandchildren are growing and so much more grown up. We are busily getting ready to set sail to Puerta Valharta or PV as it is referred to down here. We will leave here on the 15th of January for some snorkeling on the Island of Espirtu Santo and Isla Parrita.  Then the plan is to go acrossed to the mainland and see the area around PV and perhaps a bus trip up to Guadalahaja (spelling???). 

   Many of our new cruising friends are all dispersing to other directions and they will be missed, some we will see in the future and others will be heading to the further parts of the World where we have not planned to go.  We will follow their blogs and keep in touch hoping to cross paths in the future. 

   We have been invited to travel along with some others to destinations that all sound fun, but we are thinking that would be too soon for us to leave this part of the world. So far God is showing us to continue our planned course for this year and return home for the summer, returning to the boat and Mexico in the Fall of 2010.

   Please pray for us that we will know God's will for our path and He will keep us in His safe care.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010.   Jacquie and Don

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